Patients are increasingly co-authoring peer-reviewed publications at all stages of the medicines development life cycle. Their unique insights enhance the body of evidence across numerous therapy areas. Practical guidance can support patient authors to publish successfully and collaborate with non-patient authors.
- 2020: Researchers and patient partners from the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research Chronic Pain NetworkThe Chronic Pain Network is one of five networks to receive funding through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) and represents an unprecedented level of collaboration amongst national stakeholders. Working with patients as partners, the Network supports, coordinates and synchronizes leading innovative and high-impact research with the ultimate goal of removing barriers to better chronic pain management. co-wrote guidance to help others talk about authorship and acknowledgement for the research projects they are working on together.Guidance on authorship with and acknowledgement of patient partners in patient-oriented research
- 2022: The Patient Author Candidate Framework
was developed by Envision Pharma GroupWe are a global leader in medical affairs and healthcare communications. Our purpose-built software, scientific solutions, and behavior change expertise make us a unique partner to the pharmaceutical industry. as a Patient Authorship Resource for industry sponsors. It is designed to guide assessment of potential patient author candidates, based on a set of transparent, relevant, and pre specified criteria.
CoPI: Patient-Oriented Research, Co-production of stakeholder groups
Tools: Guidance documents – Authorship, Frameworks – Authorship
Context: Authorship