As a few years have passed since patient engagement in rheumatology began, guidance and recommendations are developed based on lessons learned.
- 2010: Patient Research Partner (PRP): As a result of patient-researcher collaboration with Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) OMERACT is a global community for the development of Core Outcome Sets in the field of rheumatology. Patients participate as research partners in all phases of the research and are equal members in any OMERACT working group.; omeractprpnetwork.orgin 2002, Eueropean Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) is the organization which represents the people with arthritis/rheumatism, health professionals (HPR), and scientific societies of rheumatology of all the European nations. The aims of EULAR are to reduce the burden of rheumatic diseases on the individual and society and to improve the treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal diseases. To this end, EULAR fosters excellence in education and research in the field of rheumatology. It promotes the translation of research advances into daily care and fights for the recognition of the needs of people with musculoskeletal diseases by the governing bodies in Europe. publishes recommendations for patient-researcher collaborationand defines the role of Patient Research Partner (PRP)Patient Research Partner (PRP) is defined as a person with a relevant disease who participates or has participated as an active research team member on an equal basis with professional researchers, thus adding the value of experiential knowledge to a research project.
De Wit M, et al. European League Against Rheumatism recommendations for the inclusion of patient representatives in scientific projects. Annals of the rheumatic diseases 2011;70(5):722-6. Europe - 2010: The University of the West of England (UWE)The University of the West of England (UWE) rheumatology group is involved in projects of regional, national, and global rheumatology group publishes a dedicated paper Patient collaboration in the design of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures: Capturing the Experience of Fatigue in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Nicklin J, et al. Collaboration with patients in the design of patient-reported outcome measures: Capturing the experience of fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care & Research 2010;62(11):1552-8. on patient-researcher collaboration in the development of a new patient-reported outcome (PRO) for fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis (BRAF). United Kingdom. Measures were updated in 2017.Bristol rheumatoid arthritis fatigue scales (BRAFS) are free to use for clinical or academic reasons. - 2011: European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) EULAR is the organization that represents the people with arthritis/rheumatism, health professionals (HPR), and scientific societies of rheumatology of all the European nations. The aims of EULAR are to reduce the burden of rheumatic diseases on the individual and society and to improve the treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal diseases. To this end, EULAR fosters excellence in education and research in the field of rheumatology. It promotes the translation of research advances into daily care and fights for the recognition of the needs of people with musculoskeletal diseases by the governing bodies in Europe. establishes the network of Patient Research Partners and develops patient engagement Reference Cards and Background document. Europe
- 2012: INVOLVEINVOLVE, Establishment 1996 and funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to support active public involvement in National Health Services (NHS) public health and social care research. As a national advisory group, the role of INVOLVE is to bring together expertise, insight, and experience in the field of public involvement in research (PIR), with the aim of advancing it as an essential part of the process by which research is identified, prioritized, designed, conducted and disseminated. publishes updated briefing notes for researchers. INVOLVE notes some of the content is drawn from earlier editions is substantially different in its content, reflecting the changing environment since the original briefing notes were written in 2004. United Kingdom
CoPI: Patient Research Partners (PRPs), Public Involvement in Research (PIR)/Patient and Public Involvement in Research (PPI)
Tools: Recommendations – patient-researcher engagement; Reports – patient researcher engagement; Guidance documents – patient researcher engagement and briefing notes
Context: Guideline development, Patient-reported outcomes (PROs)