- 1998: First self-governed Consumer Advisory Council (CAC)The mission of the Consumer Advisory Council (CAC) is to advocate for consumers and provide for strong public and consumer input in healthcare reform policies in Connecticut. The purpose of the Consumer Advisory Council is to ensure significant consumer participation in the planning and implementation process. portal.ct.gov/OHS/Pages/Consumer-Advisory-Council was established as part of Canadian Arthritis Network/CAN The Canadian Arthritis Network (CAN) is a not-for-profit organization that supports integrated, trans-disciplinary research and development. can.arthritisalliance.ca, the first federally funded arthritis research institute in Canada. After morphing into the Alliance for the Canadian Arthritis Program (ACAP) in 2012, then Alliance for Arthritis in in Canada (ACC), the group was disbanded in 2019.
- 2000: Arthritis Research Canada (ARC) ARC was created in 2000 in recognition of the tremendous potential that research can bring to arthritis treatment in Canada, and indeed, the world. Arthritis Research Canada has earned international attention as a leading arthritis research environment. We have built a strong multi-disciplinary research team of outstanding medical doctors and research scientists, and we willingly collaborate with medical professionals around the world. www.arthritisresearch.ca and established the Arthritis Patient Advisory Board (APAB).The Arthritis Patient Advisory Board (APAB) is comprised of volunteer advocates with arthritis who bring personal experience and arthritis knowledge to research decision making at Arthritis Research Canada. Their goal is to ensure the patient perspective is represented on research matters related to prevention, treatment and self-management of arthritis. Individually and collectively, they communicate research information and findings to arthritis patients, professional organizations and the general public. www.arthritisresearch.ca
- Additionally, Patient Organization, Arthritis Consumer Experts/JointHealthⓇArthritis Consumer Experts/JointHealthⓇ, a national organization that provides free, science-based information and education programs in both official languages to people with arthritis. https://jointhealth.org/ , was established.
CoPI: Advisory panels
Context: Research & Development